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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 122-125

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John A. Ryan is engaged in the abstract and real-estate business in Chillicothe and his efforts have been a factor in the general business development of the city. For ten years he has been a partner in the firm of Gill & Ryan and previous to that time was identified with public life and known also as a successful general merchant. He is a native son of the city, born August 12, 1863, his father being Thomas Ryan, now living in Chillicothe and also a native of Livingston county.

John A. Ryan acquired his early education in the public schools of his native city and supplemented this by a course in a commercial college at Quincy, Illinois, from which institution he was graduated in 1880. Afterward he established himself in the mercantile business in Mooresville and conducted here a profitable enterprise for some years, disposing of it when he was elected circuit clerk. This office he filled for eight years, working diligently in the interests of the public. In 1902 he formed a partnership with B. V. Gill and the firm of Gill & Ryan opened an abstract and real-estate office. The business expanded rapidly, owing to the honorable methods and straightforward dealing of the firm and its prosperity is to a considerable extent due to the sound business judgment which Mr. Ryan has at all times displayed and his energy, which has ever been an important factor in his business advancement.

Mr. Ryan married Miss Ida Wright, of Avalon, and to their union were born four children, Martha, John S., Paul and Frank W. Mr. Ryan gives his political allegiance to the democratic party and while his public spirit never takes the form of office seeking, it is yet an active element in his character. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and has gained a prominent place in the camp of the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a representative business man of Chillicothe, identified with its growth and development, and is well known in this community as one of its progressive citizens.

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