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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 161-162

S. F. Shields, cultivating seven hundred acres of land on section 14, Monroe township, is a native of Carroll county, born on April 9, 1870, his parents being John W. and Martha (Dooley) Shields, who reside at Ludlow. His education was acquired in the public schools of Carroll county and when he was sixteen years of age he laid aside his books in order to assist his father with the work of the farm. He spent five years upon the homestead and then began his independent agricultural career, to which he has since devoted all of his time and attention. He now cultivates seven hundred acres, well improved, one hundred and ninety-five acres of which he owns, the rest being rented land. He does mixed farming, harvesting every year abundant crops of grain and keeping thirty horses, one hundred head of cattle and about one hundred swine. A glance at the neat and attractive appearance of the place indicates the careful supervision and practical methods of the owner, who is classed with the enterprising and successful agriculturists of Livingston county.

Mr. Shields married, at Braymer, on May, 8, 1901, Miss Ida Spaulding, a daughter of Otis and Rebecca (Cox) Spaulding, the former of whom died in 1901 and is buried in Monroe cemetery, near Ludlow. His widow survives him and makes her home with her daughter.

Mr. Shields gives his allegiance to the republican party and takes an intelligent interest in public affairs although never as an office seeker. He is ever loyal to the best interests of the community and is a progressive citizen and public-spirited man as well as an enterprising farmer. All who know him esteem and respect him and his circle of friends in this county is an extensive one.

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