Other People | Frank J. Bradley | Olive Rambo Cook | Jerry Litton |
Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 212-213

Frank T. Stevenson, engaged in general farming upon one hundred and twenty acres of land on section 32, township 59, range 22, Medicine township, is also well known in this locality as a successful auctioneer. He was born in Linn County, May 22, 1884, and is a son of John T. and Frances (Kirby) Stevenson. The mother passed away in April, 1911, and is buried at Mount Olive. The father survives her and makes his home in Linn county.

Frank T. Stevenson acquired his education in the country schools of Livingston county, whither he came with his parents when he was three years of age. At the age of seventeen he laid aside his books and for seven years thereafter assisted his father with the work of the farm, becoming familiar in this way with the details and methods of modern farm operation. At the end of that time he bought his present one hundred and twenty acre tract on section 32, Medicine township. He has about fifty acres under cultivation and engages in mixed farming, raising grain and keeping fine stock. At the present time he has five horses, seven head of cattle and twenty-four brood sows, his stock-raising interests being very important and profitable. Mr. Stevenson is a progressive and practical farmer and in addition a resourceful and able business man, and his success has come as a natural result of his industry and well directed labor.

At the Leopolis Catholic church, in Medicine township, in September, 1906, Mr. Stevenson was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Raney, a daughter of James C. Raney, of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson have two children, Frances and John. Fraternally, Mr. Stevenson is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in 1912 he joined the progressive party. He is well known throughout this section as a representative agriculturist and a citizen whose support can he relied upon to further any measure or movement that will promote the welfare and prosperity of the county.

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