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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 177-178

A farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 16, township 56, range 24, pays tribute to the care, labor and agricultural skill of Luther Williams, who there engages in the cultivation of grain and also raises stock. He is one of the best known and most highly successful men in Livingston county and owes his success not to any outside aid or influence but to those forces which always win prosperity - keen discrimination, sound judgment and unfaltering determination. Mr. Williams was born in Carmarthenshire, South Wales, in 1867, and is a son of D. Walter and Margaret (James) Williams, the former of whom passed away in 1908 and is buried in the Welsh cemetery near Dawn. His widow survives and makes her home with the subject of this review.

Luther Williams was educated in the public schools of this country, terminating his studies with a course in the Kansas State Normal School it Emporia and laying aside his books at the age of twenty, in order to engage in the abstract business. He continued this connection for about three years and then came to Livingston county and purchased one hundred and sixty acres on section 16, upon which he still resides. He has made needed improvements from time to time, erecting a silo, barns and outbuildings, and the property is now valuable and highly productive. He does mixed fanning and is extensively interested in stock-raising, keeping eight horses, forty head of cattle and from seventy-five to one hundred swine.

Mr. Williams married, near Down, Miss Alice Williams, a daughter of D. P. and Johannah Williams, residents of that community. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Williams have two children, Handel and Lucile, both of whom live at home. The family are devout members of the Welsh church. Mr. Williams gives his allegiance to the democratic party and takes an intelligent interest in the affairs of the community, although he cares not for office. For many years he has resided continuously in Livingston county and has made an excellent record both for reliability and for the excellent methods which he follows and which lead to success.

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