VR Robotic Kits

VR Technology has expanded its reach since its inception to include education, healthcare, and entertainment.  VR Technology is now widely accepted as a form of immersive, interactive learning tool in schools and the public library needs to be involved with technology advances.   With VR, library patrons of all ages can explore the globe and the universe with all its wonders to study culture, animal life, distant locations which were only imagined previously.   History lessons along with science classes can become interactive to enhance learning, knowledge and awareness while retention is increased.

Librarians, teachers, and parents play an important role in fostering curiosity in all youth and guiding them through the beneficial use of technology. Livingston County Library (LCL) & Lillian DesMarias Youth Library (LDYL) offers opportunities to encourage higher elementary age students, teens and adults to engage in Virtual Reality (VR) technology to improve learning outcomes, enhance education through visual immersive learning, and expand social interaction and collaboration. POP UP VR programs for elementary ages, teens and adults will afford LCL patrons and families to experience VR technology firsthand in the inclusive inviting space of the public library. LCL will further collaborate with neighboring public libraries to offer POP UP VR programs at their locations as we share the wealth of opportunities with rural public libraries located in North Missouri. Collaborating libraries are specifically Carrollton Public Library and Brookfield Public Library and their respective patrons and library staff seeking to fulfill their missions to inform and educate their patron base.   The collaborating libraries received funding for the VR Robotic Kits from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

Please refer to the online calendar of events to know when the next POP UP VR program is scheduled.